Email Lists: Size Does Not Matter, Quality Does

According to a recent research by MarketingSherpa, 44% of B2B email lists have less than 5.000 addresses. The first message that we want to give is not to worry too much of the amount of addresses in the lists. To seriously do e-mail marketing it is not necessary to work with dozens of thousands e-mails.…

Opt-in or Double Opt-in: What’s The Better Choice?

The most important element of creating effective email marketing campaigns derives from your subscribers list. Its size is certainly a contributing factor to your campaign’s chances of success. During the past years, a number of practices, often illegal, such as “email harvesting”, were born on purpose to collect as many addresses as possible. These days,…

Stop and Think Before You Hit “Send”

An erroneous email, sent in haste, can have disastrous results, and in any case  does not attest to your precision and reliability. For this reason, it is essential to read through everything carefully, checking its layout and ensuring the mail is being sent to the correct mailing list, prior to hit “Send”. According to the…

How to Use Your Email Signature as An Effective Marketing Tool

Every day we receive dozens of emails from colleagues, partners, clients. It is surprising to note how often the email signature is poorly utilized or indeed entirely absent. The truth is that, in addition to serving as an useful reminder, your signature can be transformed into an effective marketing tool to promote your business. Let’s…

Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns Tips

As every year, Santa Claus is coming! And you, have you started your Holiday email marketing campaigns? The more experienced marketers know that especially during this period nothing can be left to improvisation, in particular considering that this year the economic crisis has been very bad. In fact, a good email marketing campaign can make…

Make Your Emails Go Viral on Twitter

One of the most popular use of Twitter is to post messages that repeat some information previously tweeted by another users. We are talking about ReTweets, a sort of  compliment you can get on Twitter by sharing interesting content. At the moment the most popular tool to retweet is the Tweetmeme. Using the TweetMeme Buttons…