Buying and Renting Email Addresses

Sometimes, we are asked if (and where) it is possible to buy list of email addresses. We want to emphasize that it is illegal to send emails to addresses of people or companies that have not specifically requested the sending of promotional emails. In addition, this kind of practice is ineffective for some reasons. First…

Make Your Emails Go Viral on Twitter

One of the most popular use of Twitter is to post messages that repeat some information previously tweeted by another users. We are talking about ReTweets, a sort of  compliment you can get on Twitter by sharing interesting content. At the moment the most popular tool to retweet is the Tweetmeme. Using the TweetMeme Buttons…

How to Import Contacts from CSV into SendBlaster

SendBlaster makes it easy to import your mailing list email addresses and contacts.  In this post we’ll explain how to do it. Easy and Hassle-free guaranteed! Step 1. Exporting your contacts from your mail account  into CSV file format. To import your contacts into SendBlaster you need to export a .csv/.txt file (one record, on…

Using Links in Your HTML Emails

When designing your HTML email you should keep your eye on links included in the message. A recent study found emails with 25 or more links had an open rate 12% higher than those containing fewer than 25 links, and a click-through rate 29% higher than for e-mails with fewer than 25 links ( If…

What Is Your Email Reputation?

A good habit to follow before sending your bulk email is to look up the IP reputation of your SMTP service. IP reputation is the major contributor to delivery rates, especially if you are sending to the largest ISP’s, e.g. Yahoo!, AOL, Hotmail. Statistics show that 83% of the time, sender reputation is the real…

SendBlaster = A Cost-Effective and Powerful Email Marketing Software

Email marketing can be an efficient way to reach customers, increase sales and boost your brand. Regardless of your type of business, it should be an integral part of your marketing strategy. First and foremost you should establish what the goals for your email marketing campaigns are (branding awereness, increas sales, improve engagement, and so…

Fake Facebook e-mail contains Trojan

There’s a new virus spreading via email which targets Facebook users. According to mxlab, the email includes downloadable files which include the Trojan virus: Bredolab. Anybody who receives a “Facebook Password Reset Confirmation” email should delete it right away. According to mxlab, the message is as follows: “This virus is being distributed through email, not…

Email Footers: Best Practices & Tips

Footers are probably the last read part of the email but they are certainly not least. Nowadays readers expect that footers should also display relevant information about your business and your brand. That’s why you should consider them as part of your email marketing strategy. In other words don’t understate them! At least you should…