No-reply@ = No conversations

What contradiction! Many companies keep using a no-reply email address for their email marketing campaigns and then ask you to “Get Social” on Facebook and Twitter. The no-reply@ addresses represent an old (and rude) practice that should be abandoned. Email marketing is, first of all, an effective way to build a relationship with your customers.…

Do You Care About Hard and Soft Bounces? Spammers Don’t

How many email addresses in your lists are invalid or not reachable? Nowadays a clean list is a must.  If your list contains a significant number of invalid e-mail addresses, the ISPs may think you are trying to spam and stop delivering your e-mails.   Let’s see how to increase deliverability managing bounce-backs with SendBlaster. First,…

Protect Your Email Address with

Publishing your email addresses in plain text on public sites is not safe anymore. Spam robots and spammers regularly scan forums, blogs, etc to collect new emails and to add them to their lists. For webmasters and bloggers the best solution remains to hide email addresses by using a website form. Visitors can contact them…

“This is spam” is not a substitute for “Unsubscribe”

According to a recent survey promoted by MarketingSherpa most consumers don’t correctly comprehend the term “spam”: 56% consider marketing messages from known senders to be spam if the message is “just not interesting to me.” But there’s more. Regarding the use of the “report spam” button – the primary tool that internet service providers (ISPs)…

How to Work with Preview Panes

Statistics show that 69% of people reading e-mail at work and 27% of consumers don’t actually open each email message: they use the preview pane to scan them. What is the preview pane? It’s that space where reader can automatically view just a small portion of an email message without actually opening. In other words…

Increase Opens with Killer Subject Lines

One of the most important elements of a successful newsletter is the subject. 1 out 3 Americans open emails solely based on the subject line (Jupiter Research, 2007) and nearly 70% of Americans choose to click the “This is Spam” button based on what they see in the subject line. The challenge is then to…

Don’t Be Filtered Out as Spam!

Nowadays most mail servers have built-in antispam filters. They are quite smart, but sometimes they fail and delete (or mark as spam and redirect to some “spam” folder) perfectly legal messages; this is a common problem with Hotmail and other very popular free mail services. If you feel a lot of your messages are filtered…

How to expand your subscribers list

Effective email marketing campaigns can really help you achieving your goals. Newsletters let you deliver the most up-to-date information directly to your customers’ email boxes. But how can you collect email addresses? In this post we listed a couple of good practices that may help you grow your newsletter subscribers base. Post great content Publish…